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Carnival of memories
2001-07-16 @ 12:39 a m.

Ah, the greatness of carnivals! So I went to my old grammar school with pals good pals Julie and Sue for it's annual summer fest-- a 2 block radius complete with over priced rides and junk food, cheap games, and even cheaper musical entertainment. I can't honestly remember the last time I was there, but let me tell you, this fest is like it's own little reunion. It's strange seeing people that I once spent everyday of my life with and who I now NEVER see. I don't know these people anymore- I can't even picture going to school with them let alone being in the same room. It's weird to think that when I last had contanct with my fellow Syms graduates we were small 13-year-olds with no idea or concept of anything. Now, my fellow Symsians and I will be seniors. That's such a big difference. (Not to mentions scary!)

I hate when memories come rushing at me, like a flood.

I can remember not really wanting to leave when I graduated. Half of me did, and the other half was scared of losing friendships. (I don't know why! My grammar school sucked!) But now, it's so awkward to talk to people that I considered friends back then. You share a time with them, have fun, then you leave and never hang out again. When you finally meet up one day BAM! You're at a loss. You feel stupid. Why didn't you call? You don't know what to say. You can't imagine telling them the secrets that you used to. You've changed so much! Do you still like so and so? It's weird.

Okay, so that only applies to some people. I've successfully walked away from grammar school keeping some of the very good friends that I had: Sue, Becky, Sarah. (Did I mention Julie didn't go to my grammar school? Well, she didn't!) I still talk to Jenny every now and again. I used to talk to Chris and Nick my first year of high school. That's over now, though- so is that friendship and several others. Not that I'm sorry. That's usually the way it works: you call each other in the begining all the time, then it's only some of the time, then you're lucky if you're recieving/sending a phone call to/from your "old buddies". That's okay, things happen for a reason. (Now I really miss Becky. Becky come home!)

Anyway, Sue, Julie and I scouted the area- Sue and I were constantly pointing out people we used to know, who had changed, and who had become hot. (There were quite a few of those people! Shocked, I am!) Deciding that rides and games weren't worth our money, we surrendered our income of cash on food.(ice cream and sno-cones-- I was having a fat day. I hate those!)We ran into some people from our current school, chatted, and were on our merry way to Sue's place. Carnivals that are only 2 blocks long with people you used to know are never something that holds my interest for too long. Eh, that's a lie and I know it! I kinda wanted to stick around and see the many changes of former classmates but I was bored.

So suddenly, within five minutes, I had left my past behind and was once again engulfed in my present life, leaving St. Symphorosa and all it's occupants a gray memory to be left stagnant and alone until July of next year. Why do I do this to myself?

By the way, if you're as cracked out as I am, you all should check out a song called I Whupped Batman's Ass by Wesley Wills. It's funny shit.

cause / effect